The Center is headed by Peter Cappelli, the George W. Taylor Professor of Management at the Wharton School. Professor Cappelli, whose work focuses on human resource practices, talent and performance management, and public policy related to employment, collaborates with a number of affiliated faculty and senior fellows.

Peter Cappelli
George W. Taylor Professor
Director, Center for Human Resources
Professor of Management
Recently named by HR Magazine as one of the top 20 international thinkers, Peter’s expertise is in industrial relations and labor economics, human resources practices, and talent and performance management. An international speaker and advisor, Peter is also a prolific researcher and author who has written more than a dozen books and numerous articles, which have received extensive coverage in national media outlets.
Affiliated faculty

Iwan Barankay
Associate Professor of Business Economics & Public Policy, The Wharton School
Iwan Barankay is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick in 2004. His research focuses on personnel economics, labor economics and political economy with a methodological emphasis on field experiments.

Matthew Bidwell
Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School
Matthew Bidwell’s research examines new patterns in work and employment, focusing in particular the causes and effects of more short-term, market oriented employment relationships. He has conducted detailed research on the contracting workforce in information technology, publishing papers on how those contractors are used within firms, on the effects of their relationships with staffing firms, and on who goes into contracting. A second focus of his research explores how workers build careers across organizations, working in different kinds of workplaces at different points in their careers. Current projects explore how organizations balance internal promotions with external hiring, and why worker mobility has increased in recent years.
Matthew holds a Ph.D. from the MIT Sloan School, an S.M. in Political Science from MIT, and an M.Chem from Oxford. He is currently a Sloan Industry Studies Fellow. He serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review and Organization Science

Nancy Rothbard
David Pottruck Professor of Management, and Chair, Management Department, The Wharton School
Professor Nancy Rothbard received her A.B. from Brown University and her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Michigan. She is the Deputy Dean and the David Pottruck Professor of Management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Prior to joining the faculty at Wharton, she was on faculty at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Professor Rothbard’s research focuses on the interplay between emotions and engagement in multiple roles. Specifically, she explores how people’s emotional responses to one role or task affect their subsequent engagement in another role or task. She has examined these questions in the context of work and family roles and in the context of multiple tasks that people perform within the work role. Her work has been published in academic journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science, and Personnel Psychology. In addition to her academic articles, Professor Rothbard has authored several Harvard Business School case studies. Her teaching cases touch on the topics of leadership, corporate culture, and organizational change. Professor Rothbard received the 2000 Likert Dissertation Award from the University of Michigan. She is also the recipient of the Gerald and Lillian Dykstra Award for Teaching Excellence and the Wharton Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award, 2010.

Katherine Klein
Edward H. Bowman Professor of Management and Vice-Dean, Wharton Social Impact Initiative, The Wharton School
Professor Katherine Klein is the Edward H. Bowman Professor of Management at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her B.A. from Yale University and her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to coming to Wharton, Katherine was on the faculty of the University of Maryland and a visiting professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
An award-winning organizational psychologist, Katherine has conducted extensive field research regarding a range of topics including team leadership, climate, conflict, social networks and effectiveness; organizational change and technology implementation; employee diversity; and employee responses to stock ownership and stock options. She has taught executive education, studied, and consulted with a variety of for-profit and non-profit organizations including Charles Schwab, Rohm and Haas, North American Scientific, Medtronic, The Baltimore Shock Trauma Center, Penn Vet, the U.S. Census Bureau, and the Korean Management Association.
Her research has been published in numerous top journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, the Academy of Management Journal, and the Academy of Management Review. A former associate editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology, she is currently an associate editor of Administrative Science Quarterly. Katherine is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Psychological Science.
Katherine’s current research interests include race in organizations; leadership succession and social network change; and Rwanda’s reconciliation and reconstruction following the 1994 genocide.

John Paul MacDuffie
Professor of Management, The Wharton School
Prof. MacDuffie’s research examines vehicle and mobility innovations; the diffusion of lean or flexible production as an alternative to mass production; the impact of human resource systems and work organization on economic performance; collaborative problem-solving within and across firms; the impact of distance on managing human and social capital; the relationship between product and organizational architecture; and how the interaction of strategic choices with industry structure affects competitive dynamics and industry evolution.
Prof. MacDuffie’s global research on the determinants of high-performance manufacturing is featured centrally in the books The Machine That Changed the World and After Lean Production: Evolving Employment Practices in the World Auto Industry. His publications can be found in top academic journals across a wide range of domains, including Global Strategy Journal, Human Relations, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, Organization Studies, Production and Operations Management, and Strategic Management Journal, and also in practitioner-oriented journals such as California Management Review and Harvard Business Review.
Prof. MacDuffie’s commentaries on the global automotive industry and trends in employment systems are featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Bloomberg Business Week, Fortune, and on National Public Radio and Knowledge@Wharton. He is a founding board member and current President of the Industry Studies Association, co-curator of the Automotive Transformation Map of the World Economic Forum, and a former member of the Automotive Experts Group at the Federal Reserve Bank.

Lindsey Cameron
Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School
Lindsey D. Cameron is an assistant professor of management at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on how changes in the modern workplace (e.g., algorithms/machine learning, short-term employment contracts, variable pay) affect work and workers. Professor Cameron has an on-going, five-year ethnography of the largest employer in the gig economy, the ride-hailing industry, exploring how algorithms are fundamentally reshaping the nature of managerial control and how workers navigate this new workplace. Professor Cameron also studies gig workers and technology on a variety of other platforms (e.g., TaskRabbit, Instacart, Amazon Flex). She is currently studying how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting gig workers as well as examining how ride-hailing workers on three continents navigate disputes. Professor Cameron’s research is published or forthcoming in a number of leading journals including, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, and proceedings of the Association of Computing Machinery, and the Academy of Management. Insights from her research have also appeared in top popular press outlets, including NPR’s Marketplace, Forbes, Kiplinger’s, Fast Company and People+Strategy.
In her prior career, Lindsey spent over a decade in the U.S. intelligence and diplomatic communities as a technical and political analyst and completed several overseas assignments in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. She holds a PhD in Management from the University of Michigan, MS in Engineering Management from the George Washington University, and an SB from Harvard University in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She also studied Arabic intensively at the American University of Cairo. She has trained in large group facilitation, and is an experienced practitioner and teacher in mindfulness and non-dual awareness practices, holding lineage in a tradition and having trained at several centers in the US.

Tiantian Yang
Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School
Tiantian Yang is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She received her PhD from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2014. Prior to joining Wharton, she was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Duke University. She has published many articles, including several in top management and sociology journals, such as the American Sociological Review, Organization Science and Journal of Management. She has received two highly prestigious awards based on nominations and recommendations: the Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship in 2012 (15 awarded nationwide) and the Kauffman Junior Faculty Fellowship in 2017 (7 awarded nationwide).
Tiantian’s research makes three principle contributions to the study of entrepreneurship, career mobility, and social inequality. First, she examines the entrepreneurial process to understand the mechanisms by which entrepreneurs can successfully create new organizations. Second, she draws on organizational theory and perspectives of career mobility to understand the career antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurial mobility. Third, she examines how inequalities in career attainment are (re)produced along gender and race lines in understudied social settings.
Senior fellows

Bernard Anderson
Emeritus Practice Professor, The Wharton School; and Former Assistant Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration
Bernard E. Anderson is the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Professor Emeritus at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, He was Assistant Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration, and is a member of the Board of Trustees of Tuskeegee University. He was awarded the Samuel Z. Westerfield Award by the National Economic Association in 2003.

Elliot Clark,
CEO and Chairman, SharedXpertise Media, LLC
Elliot Clark is the Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of SharedXpertise and HRO Today based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Martin Conyon
Trustee Professor of Corporate Governance at Bentley University, and Director of Bentley’s PhD Program
Martin Conyon is a Professor of Corporate Governance at Lancaster University. Martin studies organizations and corporate governance. He earned his PhD in Economics from Warwick University. He has held faculty posts at Oxford University in the UK, ESSEC Business School in France and Singapore, and the Wharton School in the USA. To date, Martin has published over 100 scholarly articles, book chapters and reports.

Philip A. Miscimarra
Partner, Morgan Lewis
Philip A. Miscimarra is the former Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Phil leads the firm’s NLRB special appeals practice and is co-leader of Morgan Lewis Workforce Change, which manages all employment, labor, benefits, and related issues arising from mergers, acquisitions, startups, workforce reductions, and other types of business restructuring. He represents clients on a wide range of labor and employment issues, with a focus on labor-management relations, business acquisitions and restructuring, and employment litigation.

Valery Yakubovich
Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School, France
Valery Yakubovich is a Professor of Management at ESSEC Business School and Senior Fellow at the Wharton Center for Human Resources. The results of his research have been published in American Sociological Review, Human Relations, Organization Science, California Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and other journals and edited volumes. His current projects explore innovative organizational and management practices in the context of digital transformation, and coevolution of careers and social networks in organizations.

Liat Eldor
Assistant Professor of Management, Tel Aviv University
Liat Eldor is an Assistant Professor at Tel Aviv University, Israel. She studies how modern features of employee-organization relationship can create competitive advantage for organizations and affect their bottom-line business results. In particular, she is interested in exploring effects at the firm level of analysis, and how OB/HR phenomena at the collective level affect business results.