Become a Corporate Member
The Center for Human Resources is membership-driven, which means that corporate members support our work and in exchange benefit from active involvement with the Center. This includes participation in member-only meetings and forums that offer insights into emerging trends in human resource management, custom research initiatives, peer surveys, and expert analysis of the impact of legal and policy developments in the HR and labor relations fields.
Financial Services Group

The Financial Services Group (FSG), founded in 1983, offers senior executives from the financial industry the opportunity to hear first-hand from academic experts and practitioners in the field of human resource management and employee relations. Interactive discussions bridge the gap between research and practice to provide insight into emerging trends and the impact on companies of legal and policy developments in HR and labor relations as they affect the financial sector. In addition to member-only meetings, the group conducts peer surveying and fosters peer relationships among its members.
Research Advisory Group

The Research Advisory Group (RAG), founded in 1967, brings together senior executives from major U.S. companies for meaningful and candid exchanges on a broad range of strategic human resources and labor-management issues and those of emerging concern at member-only meetings. Corporate members of the group represent prominent U.S. companies from a broad range of industries who engage with each other and with external speakers to compare experiences, review strategies, and identify national and global HR trends.
Contact us to learn more
Center for Human Resources
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
3620 Locust Walk, SH-DH
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6301
P: 215-895-5605
F: 215-898-5908